Postpartum Story: Kat Miller
2 weeks into Covid, Kat welcomed her baby boy and her world changed — Read her story below.
I had my son, Sky, on April 1, 2020. It was a tumultuous time to say the least; we were 2 weeks deep into Covid in the US as we knew it, and I was scared I’d be giving birth alone, without my husband at my side. Luckily, he was there with me, and my son was born by C-section, healthy and happy.
We were lucky that my parents and sister came to stay in an Airbnb nearby, so we had help and company for the first 6 weeks of Sky’s life. We really relied on my family to cook and clean as we bonded with Sky. I found becoming a new parent to be really overwhelming; I hadn’t expected the mental load that parenting a newborn takes. My physical recovery was a breeze, but adjusting to all of the responsibility of being a parent took longer.
Covid made it impossible to have any of the experiences I expected to have with a new baby; many of my closest friends, who I pictured holding Sky as a newborn, didn’t meet him until he was way past holding age. At the same time, we benefited from the work-from home environment, and I felt relieved to have my husband working from our house during my maternity leave, which made it less lonely. Luckily, once my parents and sister left, I was able to find a community of local moms who became like family to me. We hold each other up through all the highs and lows of motherhood, and I truly feel I’ve found my community. My postpartum experience wasn’t what I expected during my pregnancy, but it was filled with love, laughter, and joy nonetheless.
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